

Hey guys. I do offer requests, but there are some things I'd like for you to take into consideration when requesting a cap.

1: You can send pics for requests.

2: Please tell me if I can say your name if you make a request.

3: Please be as specific as possible, it'll help make the cap better.

4: Email me at to request or if you have any questions. 1 email per request. Do not send multiple requests through an initial request. I will ask for a separate email if you don't. NO SERIES' in general, especially if you do not provide photos.

5: The person who you or your character becomes must be 18 or older. I know in the past I’ve done some caps against this rule, but I’m no longer doing caps like those.

6: Please DO NOT COMMENT A REQUEST on a post or on this page, as I will forget about them, and email requests help me keep track of whose request I've completed or not. I will also delete request comments upon seeing them.

7: I only do M2F and F2F, so no M2M or F2M. Sorry, not my thing.

8: Please do not send me a request that you had another capper do, as I want to avoid doing the exact same story as them. Also, do not request something that is almost if not entirely similar to a request you have previously submitted, as this doesn't help me create a unique story, and I'm not a fan of recycling the same stories constantly.

9: No IRL politicians. I am not comfortable writing caps with those types of people involved. Political caps involving real life issues may also be declined due to unfamiliarity or concern on my end. 

10: DO NOT request series', anthologies or multiple caps in one email, as this clogs up my inbox with requests to get through, and it causes some people to become upset when their request takes months to be released because I'm doing a multi-cap series for 1 person. 

11: Due to the amount of requests, it will take time for something you request to be released. I apologize for the delay.

Thanks guys, hope you enjoy
