
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year Everyone!

Thank you for the continued support to this blog, it truly means a lot. I will continue to pump out caps for you all to enjoy, so here’s to some awesome stuff in the future! An update on the blog, really just 2 major things and an extra thing. 

1) Until I say otherwise, do not send multi-part caps. Meaning, no caps with multiple parts, as those create a backup in the other requests causing delays. So I will not be doing them until I feel I’m at a better place and have caught up more. Also I will, as I always have, delete any requests that are in the comments of a post, as there is a request page to see how to properly request, so follow those rules and DO NOT comment a request.

2) Please please please stop pestering me about your requests. As stated above, there is a severe delay, and I’m only 1 guy, so please understand your requests will get done. I make sure to do all requests I get that are within my parameters. This also means no commenting reminding me I have a request of yours to do, I’m fully aware I have to do them. 

3) Feel free to join my Discord server if interested. Link is on the Discord page and the info for my profile is in the header of the blog. Feel free to email with any questions.

Here’s to a great 2022!


1 comment:

  1. Happy new year, take all the time you need with the request I know your caps are awesome
