Hey Guys

Welcome to ShiftersTgCaps. I hope you enjoy my content, and if you wish to make a request, go to the request page for further instructions. If you have any questions, email ot77513@gmail.com and I will answer them. Thanks, Shifter

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

So Many Caps

This is my 2,000th cap for my blog, and I can't believe I've written so many. Special thanks to my friend King Cheese for making this merged photo for this cap. Thank you to everyone who has read my blog, made requests and continues to check it out. Here's to many more caps!


  1. Thank you for the kind words, my friend. Happy 2000th cap.

  2. Dedicated visitor & longtime lurker here. Just wanted to slink out of the shadows long enough to congratulate you on your 2000th caption...I am looking forward to the next 2000! Thanks for your dedication to this blog! Cheers!
